상품 정보
정보 고시
도서명 상품페이지 참고 저자 상품페이지 참고 출판사 상품페이지 참고 크기 상품페이지 참고 쪽수 상품페이지 참고 제품구성 상품페이지 참고 출간일 상품페이지 참고 목차 또는 책소개 상품페이지 참고 -
During the last ten-years, the gale for English classes(lectures) has been raging in universities. It is true that it doesn’t really make sense for people whose mother tongue is not English, to lecture in English and students take their class. However, from the point of view of globalization and internationalization, it is not easy to deny that English has become the official language of the world and business.
I have had an interest in English since childhood but I haven’t had experience studying in British-American countries. I was in China between 2005~2007 as a visiting professor and learned Chinese at a college language school for 4 semesters.
While I studied Chinese, I felt keenly the necessity of knowing foreign languages; in particular I developed a more rounded belief regarding the importance of English.
After returning to Korea, despite a lack of previous experience lecturing in English, I started teaching English classes at three universities in Busan. With a steady effort, solid accomplishments were made. At that time, it was rare to have a textbook in English, hence I regularly stayed awake creating suitable material, and I feel the effort was worth it for my students. To this end, I really appreciate and thank all the students who studied and made efforts to learn English over the many years I have been a teaching professor.
Through preparing English lectures, I have considered how to kill 2 birds with one stone. The first being Knowledge Transmission of the Major and the second being Improvement in a Foreign Language, namely English.
First, I tried to harmonize specialized knowledge for International Commerce and Business English. Through harmonizing theory and practice, I was able to mould them together in a meaningful and understandable way. Second, I used Standard English to write accurate and meaningful English documents to help students engage in common international standards.
Third, I continued to work hard so I was be able to present, make/receive phone calls and engage in face to face conversations in English.
Fourth, the fact that all the contents of textbooks are written in English puts a great burden on students who are not familiar with English or teachers who have to explain the contents to students. So, the main contents were added with minimal
Korean explanations.
Even if there are deficiencies, I will consistently try to improve my lecturing in English and English textbooks based on feed forward from others. I hope through this book, that students will also be able to kill 2 birds with one stone.
Yang-Kee Lee
Busan, KOREA
August 2023
Chapter 01 Fundamentals of Global Business
1-1 Concept of Global Business
1-2 Types of Global Business
1-3 The Procedures for Global Business
Chapter 02 The Incoterms® Rules 2020
2-1 Definition and the Role of International Trade Terms and Practices
2-2 Introduction to Incoterms® 2020
2-3 Differences between Incoterms 2010 and 2020
2-4 Incoterms® 2020 Rules
Chapter 03 Introduction to Global Business English
3-1 Definition of Global Business English
3-2 Differences between Business English and General English
3-3 Scope of Global Business English
3-4 Business Letter Layout
3-5 The Component Parts of Business Correspondence
Chapter 04 Requisites for Global Business Transactions Key Sentences
4-1 The Buy-Ship-Pay Model(BSP)
4-2 Four Phases of Global Business Transactions(GBT)
Chapter 05 Information Phase
5-1 Overseas Market Research
5-2 Preparation for Global Business Transactions
5-3 Identifying Overseas Business/Trading Partners ·
Chapter 06 Agreement Phase
6-1 Establishing Agreement
6-2 Formation of International Sales Contract
Chapter 07 Implementation Phase: Cargo and Documents Readiness
7-1 Buy-Ship-Pay Model
7-2 Cargo Readiness
7-3 Documents Readiness
Chapter 08 Implementation Phase: International Transportation
8-1 Types of Transportation
8-2 Transportation Documents
8-3 Model Letter of Ship - Transportation
Chapter 09 Implementation Phase: Marine Insurance
9-1 Fundamental Concepts and Types of Marine Insurance
9-2 Parties and Necessity of Marine Insurance
9-3 The Contents of a Marine Cargo Insurance Policy
9-4 Procedures of Marine Cargo Insurance
9-5 Model Letter of Marine Insurance
9-6 Marine Insurance Documents
Chapter 10 Implementation Phase: International Payment
10-1 Payment Instruments of GBT
10-2 Methods of Payment
10-3 Financial Documents
10-4 Model Letter of Payment(based on L/C)
Chapter 11 Follow-up Phase
11-1 Claims between Businesses
11-2 Management of Claims and Disputes 1
Chapter 12 English Resume
12-1 Concepts and Examples of English Resume
12-2 Concepts and Examples of Cover Letter
12-3 Concepts and Examples of Self-introduction Letter
12-4 Concepts and Examples of English Recommendations
12-5 Concepts and Examples of Job Interview
부산대학교 상과대학 무역학과 졸업
부산대학교 대학원 무역학과 석사과정 졸업(경제학 석사)
부산대학교 대학원 무역학과 박사과정 졸업(경제학 박사)
한국무역통상학회 회장, 한국무역학회 부회장, 한국무역상무학회 부회장
한국글로벌무역학회 부회장, 한국국제상학회 상임이사, 한국관세학회 상임이사
한국통상정보학회 상임이사, 한국중재학회 상임이사, 한국경제통상학회 이사
한국아시아학회 이사, 한국산업경제학회 이사
전) 관세청 관세사자격시험 출제 및 채점위원
행정자치부 공무원시험 출제위원
부산대학교 홍보실장, 입학부본부장, 경제통상대학원 부원장
한국산업인력공단 물류관리사 자격시험 출제위원
현) 부산대학교 경제통상대학 무역학부장
부산대학교 경제통상연구원 부원장
관세법, 박영사 | 무역실무, 삼영사 | 최신무역학원론(공저), 두남
국제상거래론(공저), 박영사 | 무역결제론(공저), 삼영사
알기 쉬운 국제상거래론, 도서출판 청람 | 무역관계법규, 박영사
<주요 논문>
∙“블록체인 선하증권 운용을 위한 블록체인 플랫폼의 상호 연계 필요성”,
선택된 옵션
Global Business English+0원
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